Sunday, July 15, 2007

Retail Therapy

I had to do some shopping yesterday at the mall. This is the same mall that was devastated by floods recently. We were led to believe that all services were back to normal. They aren't. The place is a disaster still. The only food place open downstairs is McDonalds but, like the cockroaches, they would even survive a nuclear war.

The one shop that always irritates me is Debenhams. They arrange the clothes by designer and not by item. This means if I want a pair of trousers I have to look around the clothes for every designer. Ugh. I don't think to myself 'I'm going to buy a so-and-so t-shirt today'. I shop by item and it would be nice to have all the t-shirts in one place to choose from. This is why I never spend money in Debenhams.

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