Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Science on TV

Science is in crisis. University Physics Departments are being closed down. Just today we have a talk in our University Department about how to attract more students to study Physics at University. There could be many reasons for the slump but one factor is the way Science is portrayed in the media.

Take the TV. When I first got interested in Science there were three flagship science programmes. Documentaries were shown regularly and on the schools programmes. On the commercial channels there is now no science. We are just left with Horizon on the BBC. This used to be a good show but it has steadily been dumbed down in recent years with more explosions and CG effects. This series, in an effort to chase ratings, the science has been watered down to the point of being pointless.

The nadir is the episode to go out tonight which will examine what the world would be like if the dinosaurs had survived.


Cue a pointless excuse to show dinosaur CG effects in a modern setting. I am going to watch this show just because I know I will spend an hour shouting at the TV for being pointless. At least it'll make me react.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah really. If I want to see dinosaurs in a modern setting I'll watch that ITV thing on a Saturday night. If dinosaurs were around today they'd be eating people. What painstaking scientific research have I based that assumption on? The fact that dinosaurs were very big and liked eating things. Can I have a job at the BBC science department now ta?