Tuesday, March 20, 2007

PhD viva success

In my oral exam today I successfully defended my PhD thesis which means I will be able to start calling myself Dr. as soon as it is formally confirmed. I would like to thank my external examiner Prof. Woodruff and my internal examiner Prof. Godby. Even more so I owe a huge debt of gratitude to my supervisors Steve and Matt and the other members of our group who have helped me so much along the way. Also big thanks to my family and friends for keeping me sane. There is one person who has done the most. During this past year my fiancee Nicola has been my stable foundation and I hope to repay her support over many years of marriage. That sounds like a car loan or something doesn't it... Erm I mean I'm glad I had you around Nic to share my highs and lows.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

/me blushes and jovially punches chris on the arm/
Don't mention it, you big lug.