Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Road Pricing e-petition

I am one of the 1.5 million people who has signed an online petition on the Downing Street website to ask the government to scrap plans for road pricing and road tracking. This morning I received a response e-mail from 'Tony Blair' which pretty much said that nothing had been decided and options were being checked but pilot schemes are going ahead and some form of congestion charging will have to be introduced. So the will of 1.5m voters and tax payers is to be ignored. Add these people to the list of attendees at the anti war marches a few years ago. Or the people who campaigned against the poll tax. This is not a republic; we don't elect people to make decisions on our behalf we elect them to enact our will. Democracy does not work in this country at the moment. But the masses are busy with their 'lifestyle'. No October revolution here.

The simple fact is that people have no choice; no-one willingly sits in traffic for tens of hours per week. House prices in this country prohibit many people from living close to where they work. The nature of the job market in this country also means at least one person per household has to travel. Give me a tax break to buy a house near to where I work and force the employers of my partner to let her work from home 3 days a week and that will cut four lengthy and 'unnecessary' journeys per day. But don't charge me to use the roads at peak times. I already pay to use them. Paying to congest the roads will not prevent congestion.

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