Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Learco Chindamo

The man who murdered a school headmaster outside the school gates when he was 15 years old is about to be released from prison after serving 12 years. Learco Chindamo is an Italian citizen who moved here when he was 4 years old. There are now calls to deport him upon his release. Learco does not speak Italian and all of his family live in this country. I do not think he should be deported. What would be the purpose of this? Further punishment? I accept that we should not send out the signal that one way to gain UK citizenship is to murder a UK citizen. But this man has served his punishment and is now, by all accounts, rehabilitated and making a positive contribution to society by educating children who might get involved in gang/knife crime. If we believe he is still a risk to the public we should not release him from prison and we certainly shouldn't send him to Italy. What Learco Chindamo did was truly evil, but we can't just sweep him under the carpet now he has been through our legal system. From the sort of comments I have heard in the papers and on the web I think some people would prefer that we had executed Learco for his crime and got him out of the way.

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