Tuesday, June 12, 2007

News from the front line

There is no news. We've been at a major UK science facility for two weeks now but we have done no experiments and have yielded no data due to technical issues. C'est la vie. I wish I could give more details but I might say the wrong thing.

Tessa Jowell has said that the cost of the Olympics has not trebled to £9 billion. It has increased from £2 billion to £3 billion because of unforseen costs in the construction of the Olympic village. The other £6 billion is to be spent upon regeneration projects in London. Are these not associated with the Olympics? Should they not be included in the total cost figures? Would these areas have been regenerated regardless of the successfull Olympic bid? I smell another Millenium Dome. And that logo is ugly.

In other news the chain of Track records stores is to close. This is a crying shame because track records was all about music and variety; they never gave 50% of their stores over to DVDs like HMV and Virgin and cut down the music range to high volume items like Coldplay and the Kaiser chiefs. HMV is in financial trouble too. Of course, the internet will be blamed which is just crap. If HMV continued to sell things that people could not get on torrent sites then people might be more inclined to continue shopping there. Take this weekend. I was shopping for the 'I Am Kurious Oranj' album by The Fall and the Trojan Records Dub box set. I could find neither item in one of the largest shopping malls in the country. I could find crappy reggae compilations and overpriced Fall boxed sets but not the particular items I wanted. The space was taken up by piles of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Batman Begins DVDs.

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